Harwood Cares


Harwood Cares Safety Standards

We are continuing to navigate COVID-19 just like we have from the beginning. One day and one step at a time in the Harwood Way.

Our commitment to you, fellow visitors, tenants, and diners, and our team remains to make transparent and thoughtful choices that deliver experiences to escape the ordinary.

In addition to following all guidelines and recommendations from local, state, and federal governments as well as the CDC, please take note of these guidelines as it applies to Harwood Cares.

Safety Standards

  1. Harwood has provided hand sanitizing stations in building lobbies and restaurants.
  2. Thorough and frequent sanitizing of high-contact surfaces.
  3. Social distancing directional signage provided in building lobbies and restaurants. 

Guest and Tenant Requirements

  1. All guests must exercise personal responsibility and hold the utmost regard for the safety of all prior to exploring the Harwood District, walking through building lobbies, and/or dining at one of our restaurants.
  2. Masks and/or face coverings are requested in restaurants.
  3. Strict social distancing measures are in place throughout the District and must be respected by all guests.

Restaurant Operations Safety Standards

  1. All Harwood Hospitality Group associates are required to complete a health screening prior to returning to work. Once cleared, all returning associates are required to successfully complete the rigorous Return to Safely Serve training programme.
  2. Prior to all shifts, all associates will receive a health screening, follow regular hand washing guidelines, and will wear proper PPE including gloves and masks. Frequent changing of PPE and hand washing will occur following contact or interaction with another person.
  3. Restaurants with service will operate within the mandated 25% maximum capacity requirement.
  4. Hand sanitizing stations will be available at multiple locations within the restaurant.
  5. All restaurants will be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized prior to opening and between every shift.
  6. Scheduled surface and restroom sanitizations are scheduled every 30 minutes. Restrooms will be closely monitored and cleanings will be documented.
  7. Parties will be spaced 6 feet apart from other parties at all times.
  8. Menus will be provided digitally on location.

We look forward to welcoming you back to the Harwood District in safety, wellness, and confidence.